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Connect your repos and see all the engineering tools and services you’re using across your company, who knows how to use them, and why they're using them. Think of it as "air traffic control" for your tech stacks.

You'll also see a dashboard with all of your teams and members synced. Private StackShare unblocks engineers when they’re stuck on a tech decision and helps you avoid duplication by bringing transparency to your repositories.

Tech Stacks Dashboard
Get tech stack profiles and data for all your public and private repos (stack profiles mimic your repo's visibility, meaning private repos get private stack profiles and public repos get public stack profiles). All your tools, packages, team members, and more are visible on a single dashboard with detailed reports.

Pull Request Integration
Anytime a developer merges a Pull Request that contains a stack change in a connected repo, that change is automatically documented with a link to the PR in your Feed and Stack Profiles.

Tool Versions
See all the different versions of popular open-source tools you’re using across your repos with links to the source files.

Stack Alerts
Get notified anytime a tool in your stacks is added, removed, or if a version changes.

Stack Advice
Ask your colleagues who have used specific technologies for advice on decisions. Requests for advice are emailed to all developers who have the technology in their tech stack.

See all the different versions you’re using across repos/stacks via your Private Dashboard

Pricing and setup

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Unlimited users. Sync up to 10 repos.

  • Reporting dashboard
  • Stack Alerts (Stack Changes)
  • Automated Stack Decision creation
  • Private Search

Next: Confirm your installation location.

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