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✊ 🤚 ✌️ SOCKETPO ✊ 🤚 ✌️

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SocketPO is a JokenPo (Rock, Paper, Scissors) game made with NodeJS, GraphQL and React for study and fun.

Had a cool idea? Please open an Issue and let's talk!

⚙️ Requires

  • Node 10.9.0+
  • NPM 6.4.1

🏃🏽‍♂️ Running locally

First of all you will need to create a .env file on the root folder, with a required configs:

  • MONGODB_URI={URI from a mongodb} (I am using MLab for local development)


  • Run npm install on root folder
  • Run npm install on /client folder

Npm scripts:

command description
npm run dev start local both client at localhost:3000 and the server at localhost:3001 (GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:3001/graphql)
npm run dev:server start local server at localhost:3001 (GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:3001/graphql)
npm run dev:client start local client at localhost:3000

✔️ Checks

  • TravisCI checks both server and client tests and build
  • Coveralls check the coverage of client tests

🔍 Testing

Server-side tests are made with Jest and supertest to request the GraphQL endpoint and run some queries/mutations. (local mongodb)

Npm scripts:

command description
npm test run all server tests without a watch mode
npm run test:client run all the client side tests and build

Client-side tests are made with Jest and Enzyme

Npm scripts:

command description
npm test run all client tests with a watch mode
npm run test:coverage run all client tests and extract coverage reports

📦 Build

Server start on Heroku, and Client (React) build run after with a heroku-postbuild

On client/ folder:

command description
npm run build serve files into /build folder

🚀 Deploy

Both Server-side and Client-side are hosted at Heroku. Deploy and build process are run automatically after the CI checks on branch master.

👨‍💻 Contributing

Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

⚖️ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

This RADME doc is highly inspired by this one

Thank You My King 💚